VOV.VN - Vietnam raked in US$2.32 billion from exporting 1.34 million tonnes of coffee during the past ten months of the year, down 1.3% in volume and 0.6% in value, according to figures released by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
VOV.VN - Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son was joined by his Brazilian counterpart Marcia Donner Abreu on November 6 as the pair took part in the seventh version of a joint political consultation held at a deputy ministerial level via an online platform.
VOV.VN - Mercosur, the South American trade bloc, is considered a potential market for Vietnamese products such as garments, footwear, handicrafts, and processed foods, despite the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic causing disruption to traditional supply chains.
While local sugarcane farmers have been taking a fair dent from the effects of the pandemic, regional competition fuelled by the commitments of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement has further put pressure on them, leading to a daunting situation for the already declining sector.
VOV.VN - The opening seven months of the year witnessed EU nations increase their purchases of Vietnamese coffee, including a 53.7% rise from Poland to US$23.5 million, and an increase of 20.1% from Belgium to US$74.8 million.
VOV.VN - Vietnam imported a total of 93,248 tonnes of pork and related products during the opening seven months of the year, mainly from Canada, Germany, Brazil, Russia, and the US, according to the Department of Animal Health.
A ceremony was held recently in Brazil to present a Friendship Order to Mozambican Ambassador to Brazil Gamiliel Sepulveda Joao Munguambe, who previously served as Ambassador to Vietnam, for his contributions to bilateral relations.