The 15th National Assembly’s 6th session continued in Hanoi on November 6, with Government members and heads of sectors fielding legislators’ questions about the implementation of the NA resolutions on thematic supervision and question-and answer activities in the 14th tenure, and several related solutions adopted since the beginning of the 15th tenure.
A delegation from the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV), led by Deputy Auditor General Nguyen Tuan Anh, attended the 59th meeting of the Governing Board of the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) in Busan city, the Republic of Korea (RoK) from September 19-22.
VOV.VN - Ngo Van Tuan, auditor general of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV), met with Pierre Moscovici, first president of the Cour des Comptes and French Supreme Audit Institution, on September 12 in Paris to discuss a host of measures to ramp up their co0operation in the audit.
The State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) and the Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK) shared experience in auditing waste management at the third joint workshop held in Hanoi on August 11.
A delegation of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) attended the International Meeting of Performance Audit Critical Thinkers (IMPACT) 2023 in Australia on April 19-20.
State Auditor General Ngo Van Tuan and his South African counterpart Tsakani Maluleke have agreed to step up bilateral cooperation and exchanges to share experience, especially in fields of each side’s strength.
The State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) and Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation (CAAF) held a conference in Hanoi on March 17 to review their partnership so far.
Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue made a new-year visit to the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) on January 27, the first working day after the week-long Lunar New Year holiday.
The 18th session of the National Assembly Standing Committee opened in Hanoi on December 13.
Deputy Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) Doan Anh Tho held a working session with President of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK) Isma Yatun in Jakarta on September 27 to discuss the audit of COVID-19 response.