Japanese consumers are increasingly turning to Vietnamese rice as an alternative to domestic varieties, thanks to its comparable quality and lower price.
VOV.VN - After remaining high for an extended period, Vietnam's 5% broken rice export price dropped to US$399 per tonne in early 2025, falling below that of regional competitors such as Thailand, India, and Pakistan, according to the Vietnam Food Association (VFA).
VOV.VN -Rice importers from the Philippines have delayed purchases of around 350,000 tonnes of rice from Vietnam and are renegotiating deals following a sharp decline in prices, according to Reuters.
VOV.VN - Vietnam’s rice exports in the first 15 days of January 2025 witnessed significant growth in both volume and value compared to the same period last year, according to the Vietnam Food Association (VFA).
The Vietnamese rice sector is likely to face a host of challenges in export in 2025 after a successful year in 2024, according to experts.
Eight Vietnamese rice enterprises have been awarded AUD200,000 (approximately VND3.16 billion, or over US$124,300) for their efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in rice production.
Rice exports set new records in both volume and value in 2024 but the commodity is expected to face a difficult year ahead as India lifted its ban on non-basmati white rice exports in September, which will push up global rice supplies next year.
Vietnamese goods have steadily established a strong presence in the UK, with exports to this demanding market continously growing since 2021, said Hoang Le Hang, First Secretary of the Vietnam Trade Office in the UK.
VOV.VN - Vietnam exported nearly 8.5 million tonnes of rice worth US$5.31 billion over the past 11 months, up 10.6% in volume and 22.4% in value compared to the same period from last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has reported.
VOV.VN - By November 15, Vietnam’s rice exports had reached 8.05 million tonnes with a value of US$5.05 billion, according to statistics from the General Department of Customs.