The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) on September 21 issued a decision to investigate the evasion of trade remedies for cane sugar products originating from Thailand after considering requests from domestic sugar producers.
VOV.VN - The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) received requests on September 1 from the Vietnam Sugar Association and six domestic producers for an investigation into the trade remedy evasion for cane sugar products which originate from Thailand.
VOV.VN - The Ministry of Trade and Industry has moved to levy an anti-dumping duty of 42.99% along with an anti-subsidy tax of 4.65% on some sugar products originating from Thailand.
The prospects for the domestic sugar industry look brighter this year due to efforts to control smuggling and the imposition of duties on sugar imported from Thailand.
VOV.VN - The Ministry of Trade and Industry has decided to levy a temporary anti-dumping tax of 33.88% on sugar imported from Thailand.
The sugar industry is facing many challenges and unfair competition from imported and smuggled goods, experts told a conference held in Hanoi on December 1.
VOV.VN - Domestic enterprises face numerous difficulties in terms of sugar consumption due to fierce competition caused by cheap imported sugar from Thailand, according to figures compiled by the Vietnam Sugarcane and Sugar Association (VSSA).
VOV.VN - Under the terms of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), it is anticipated that the EU will offer tax incentives for 10,000 tonnes of white sugar and 10,000 tonnes of products containing over 80% sugar, according to the Agro Processing and Market Development Authority (Agrotrade).
VOV.VN - The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has initiated anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations into a number of different types of sugar imported from Thailand.
Tariffs cut to zero under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) from January 1 this year and the COVID-19 pandemic have made for a tough year for the sugar industry, heard an online seminar held by Nhan Dan (People) e-newspaper on September 16.