A workshop took place in Hanoi on October 19 to exchange and share results of a report on “Strengthening the Capacity of Vietnam’s Private Sector in the New Stage” compiled by the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM).
Vietnam’s economy has achieved stable growth thanks to consistent macro policies, contributing to promoting the role of the private sector, heard a workshop on Vietnam's economic situation and stock market held by Dragon Capital company on September 1 in London.
VOV.VN - The Swiss government has decided to grant CHF70 million (nearly US$80 million) to help Vietnam improve its business and enhance the competitiveness of the private sector.
VOV.VN - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved US$4.6 million in technical assistance to help the Vietnamese Government strengthen public–private partnerships (PPPs), private sector development, and state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform.
VOV.VN - The World Bank (WB), acting on behalf of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), has signed a US$11.3 million grant with the State Bank of Vietnam to support the development of a commercial financing market for industrial energy efficient investments, with the total financing support from the GCF also including a US$75 million guarantee.
The Thai private sector has been encouraged to do business with the United Nations (UN), in line with the Government’s policy to revive and strengthen the Thai economy.
VOV.VN - The US Agency for International Development (USAID) on December 3 announced a number of private sector engagement (PSE) pilot projects to advance innovative solutions to reduce the risk and impact of natural disasters.
Vietnam needs to develop a strategy to promote the development of the private sector over the next decade to maintain growth, speakers said at a conference on socio-economic development from 2021 to 2030 recently held in HCM City.
VOV.VN - US Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel J. Kritenbrink, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Acting Vietnam Mission Director Bradley Bessire and Vietnam’s Office of the Government (OOG) Chairman Mai Tien Dung participated in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony between USAID and OOG on October 13.
The second webinar of the sixth ASEAN - OCED Good Regulatory Practice Network Meeting took place on October 5 and discussed how to leverage digital tools for agile regulatory policymaking.