The Investigation Police Agency under the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) has officially launched a probe into six individuals at the Saigon Jewellery Company Limited (SJC) for the charges of embezzlement and abuse of positions and power while performing duties.
VOV.VN - Buy2Sell Vietnam has since April 2024 changed its organizational structure by dismissing its French executive director and appointing a new CEO to redress the company’s weaknesses and optimize its operations in the country.
VOV.VN - The police of Ho Chi Minh City’s District 7 have arrested a Korean national wanted by Seoul Southern District Prosecutor's Office.
VOV.VN - The Criminal Investigation Agency under the Ministry of National Defence has launched criminal proceedings against and arrested five generals and two other senior officers of the Vietnam Coast Guard on charges of embezzlement.
The Party Central Committee's Secretariat on April 7 decided to expel Tat Thanh Cang, former member of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee, and Le Huu Phuoc, member of Phu Yen province’s Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Civil Affairs Commitee of and Chief Justice of the People’s Court of Phu Yen, from the Party.