CNN suggests five must-try Vietnamese dishes for visitors in Hanoi

VOV.VN -American Cable News Network (CNN) has recommended five must-try dishes for visitors in Hanoi as reporters from across the world flock to the city ahead of the second DPRK-USA Summit.

Cha Ca, fish cooked with turmeric, shrimp paste, fish sauce, and dill. According to CNN’s website, the most famous restaurant serving the dish is Cha La Vong, one of Hanoi’s oldest eateries. The restaurant is located on 14 Cha Ca Street.

(Photo: Dan Tham/CNN)

Banh Tom, shrimp cake. The website suggested that visitors should go pay a visit to Banh Tom Ho Tay on Thanh Nien Street in order to enjoy the delicious delicacy.

(Photo:Christina Choi/CNN)

Bun Ca, fish noodle soup.

“A lunchtime staple in Hanoi, you can find bun ca (fish noodle soup) just about anywhere”, according to CNN.

(Photo: Dan Tham/CNN)

Bun Rieu Cua, crab noodle soup.

The delicious dish can be easily found by visitors to the capital with an excellent bun rieu street stall being located in the heart of the city in Tho Xuong Alley, near to St. Joseph's Cathedral.

(Photo: Dan Tham/CNN)

Ca Phe Trung, egg coffee.

According to the US media outlet, Vietnamese egg coffee is a specialty of Hanoi in which a creamy soft, meringue-like egg white foam perches on dense coffee.

“While destinations across the city now serve it, Hanoi's humble Cafe Giang cafe claims to have invented it”, the website noted.

(Photo: Trinh Dinh Le Minh/Tuoi Tre)
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Reporters get taste of traditional food before DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit
Reporters get taste of traditional food before DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit

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Reporters get taste of traditional food before DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit

Reporters get taste of traditional food before DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit

VOV.VN - Pho, a kind of noodle soup, and Bun Cha, noodles with grilled meat, are among some of the traditional foods being served up for free to more than 3,000 reporters who are present in Vietnam for the upcoming second DPRK-USA Summit, which will take place on February 27-28.