Party’s draft political report publicised for public feedback
Party’s draft political report publicised for public feedback

The Party’s Politburo on February 3 publicised the draft political report to be presented to the upcoming 10th National Party Congress to pool public opinions. The report is entitled” Increasing the Party leadership and combat capacity, promoting the aggregate strength of the entire nation and accelerating the Doi Moi (Renewal) process comprehensively to soon pull Vietnam out of its underdeveloped country status”.

Party’s draft political report publicised for public feedback
Promoting democracy in building national development strategies and Party
Promoting democracy in building national development strategies and Party

The Communist Party of Vietnam’s draft political report to be presented at the upcoming 10th National Party Congress was publicised on February 3 for feedback from the general public. The move aims to promote people’s rights to mastery by directly engaging in making guidelines and policies relating to national construction, Party building and the building of a law-governed socialist State of the people, by the people and for the people.

Promoting democracy in building national development strategies and Party
Ho Chi Minh – founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh – founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam

In 2006, Vietnam will hold the 10th National Party Congress in Hanoi – an important political event for the Party and people. Since its coming into being on February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam has led the Vietnamese people to write glorious pages in the history of the nation. Each Party congress has marked a milestone in the course of the Vietnamese nation.

Ho Chi Minh – founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Grand meeting marks 76th CPV establishment
Grand meeting marks 76th CPV establishment

In recent years, the Party has step by step developed and improved policies on the renewal process and the path to socialism in Vietnam. This is attributed to the progress of theoretical and ideological renewal, practicality review, democratic expansion and intellectual development of the entire the Party and people, says Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Phu Trong.

Grand meeting marks 76th CPV establishment
National independence is closely linked to socialism
National independence is closely linked to socialism

The inception of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1930 was a milestone in the combination of different national elements and classes, between the nation and the international, and between national independence and socialism, according to the Party’s characteristics.

National independence is closely linked to socialism
Party’s draft political report to be made public for opinions
Party’s draft political report to be made public for opinions

The draft political report of the upcoming 10th National Party Congress will be made public on February 3 to gather opinions from mass organisations and local people.

Party’s draft political report to be made public for opinions
Vietnam moves ahead for new successes
Vietnam moves ahead for new successes

In 2005, Vietnam fulfilled and surpassed all the set targets for socio-economic development, even registering a leap forward over 2004 and previous years. Notably, the country hit a five-year record high of more than 8.4 percent for economic growth, maintained political and social stability and reinforced the great national unity bloc.

Vietnam moves ahead for new successes