33 killed as Egyptian police battle protesters
33 killed as Egyptian police battle protesters

Egyptian activists called for a huge turnout in protests on November 22 to put an end to rule by the military which also saw its authority challenged by the resignation of the civilian cabinet, casting uncertainty on elections due next week.

33 killed as Egyptian police battle protesters
US to impose more sanctions on Iran
US to impose more sanctions on Iran

The US will name Iran, as well as its Central Bank, as a "primary money laundering concern", but will not place sanctions directly on the bank, a senior Treasury Department official has said.

US to impose more sanctions on Iran
Iran official slams UN resolution
Iran official slams UN resolution

A senior Iranian official has rejected as "preposterous" a resolution condemning the human rights situation in Iran, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly's rights committee on November 21.

Iran official slams UN resolution
Khmer Rouge trio go on trial for ‘worst horrors’
Khmer Rouge trio go on trial for ‘worst horrors’

The three most senior surviving commanders of the 1970s Khmer Rouge regime masterminded one of the ‘worst horrors’ of the 20th century, killing or enslaving millions of Cambodians, according to a UN-backed war crimes trial in Phnom Penh.

Khmer Rouge trio go on trial for ‘worst horrors’
Israel’s defence minister seeks support for strike on Iran
Israel’s defence minister seeks support for strike on Iran

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak on November 20 called for actions against Iran to stop it from acquiring nuclear weapons, saying ‘the time had come’.

Israel’s defence minister seeks support for strike on Iran
Centre-right roars to victory in Spain election
Centre-right roars to victory in Spain election

Spain's center-right opposition stormed to a crushing election victory on November 20 as voters punished the outgoing Socialist government for the worst economic crisis in generations.

Centre-right roars to victory in Spain election
NY arrests Awlaki follower on bomb-making plan
NY arrests Awlaki follower on bomb-making plan

New York police arrested a follower of late Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki on suspicion of building a pipe bomb he planned to use against US soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, officials said on November 20.

NY arrests Awlaki follower on bomb-making plan
Egypt protests: Death toll up in Cairo's Tahrir Square
Egypt protests: Death toll up in Cairo's Tahrir Square

Thousands of Egyptian protesters remain in Cairo's Tahrir Square after two days of clashes in which at least 13 people were killed and hundreds injured.

Egypt protests: Death toll up in Cairo's Tahrir Square
Libya vows to try Gadhafi son, Ex-Intelligence Chief at home
Libya vows to try Gadhafi son, Ex-Intelligence Chief at home

Libya's new leaders said on November 20 they will try Moammar Gadhafi's son, Seif al-Islam, in Libya and will not hand him over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands, where he is charged with crimes against humanity.

Libya vows to try Gadhafi son, Ex-Intelligence Chief at home
14 killed, 50 injured in India fire
14 killed, 50 injured in India fire

At least 14 people died and over 50 others suffered injuries when a major fire engulfed a congregation of eunuchs or trans-sexuals at a community center in an east Delhi locality on November 20, said local media reports.

14 killed, 50 injured in India fire