Quake rattles Japan’s Fukushima region
Quake rattles Japan’s Fukushima region

An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale struck Japan's Fukushima prefecture early on November 24.  

Quake rattles Japan’s Fukushima region
Republicans bash Pakistan in debate
Republicans bash Pakistan in debate

The Republican presidential hopefuls criticized US policy toward Pakistan and called for placing sanctions on Iran's central bank in a lively and substantive foreign policy debate on November 22.

Republicans bash Pakistan in debate
Yemeni President Saleh signs deal on ceding power
Yemeni President Saleh signs deal on ceding power

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has signed a deal under which he will step down after months of unrest.

Yemeni President Saleh signs deal on ceding power
Cairo street battles rage on through the night
Cairo street battles rage on through the night

Egyptian riot police fired barrages of tear gas at hardcore protesters demanding Egypt's army relinquish power in a sixth night of violence.  

Cairo street battles rage on through the night
Iran says new sanctions from West ‘in vain’
Iran says new sanctions from West ‘in vain’

Iran dismissed a new wave of sanctions on November 22, saying the West's attempts to isolate its economy would only serve to unite Iranians behind their government's nuclear program.

Iran says new sanctions from West ‘in vain’
EU agrees deal on new sanctions on Iran
EU agrees deal on new sanctions on Iran

The European Union agreed in principle on November 22 to sanction some 200 Iranian people, companies and organizations, adding to measures imposed earlier by the United States, Britain and Canada.

EU agrees deal on new sanctions on Iran
Egypt military pledges to speed up power transfer
Egypt military pledges to speed up power transfer

Egypt's military rulers have agreed to speed up presidential elections, a key demand of protesters packing Cairo's Tahrir Square.

Egypt military pledges to speed up power transfer
Libya's interim PM unveils new government line-up
Libya's interim PM unveils new government line-up

Libya's interim PM has named a new transitional cabinet, the first step to forming an elected government.

Libya's interim PM unveils new government line-up
RoK passes free trade pact with US
RoK passes free trade pact with US

The Republic of Korea (RoK)'s ruling party lawmakers railroaded a long-stalled free trade agreement with the United States on November 22.

RoK passes free trade pact with US
Egypt's cabinet submits resignation, Tahrir Square protests surge
Egypt's cabinet submits resignation, Tahrir Square protests surge

Egyptian state television reports that the country's interim cabinet resigned on November 21, following three days of anti-military protests and a fierce security crackdown.

Egypt's cabinet submits resignation, Tahrir Square protests surge