More than 93,000 students in Hanoi take high school entrance exams

More than 93,000 students in Hanoi began their high school entrance exams on the morning of June 12.

On the morning of the first day, they took a 90-minute Vietnamese literature test and a 45-minute foreign language test. On the morning of June 13, they will do mathematics and history tests with a duration of 90 minutes and 45 minutes, respectively.

The candidates have a 30-minute break between the two consecutive tests.

The city’s Department of Education and Training has established 184 testing sites, including 3,988 testing rooms, and mobilised more than 14,500 education officials, teachers and staff teachers to serve the exams across the city. Backup exam rooms and medical staff were also set up at every exam venue.

This year’s exams took place amid the complicated developments of COVID-19, the city’s authorities making thorough preparations to ensure the safety of students as well as the security of the exams.

Accordingly, all students were asked to complete health declaration forms online before June 11 and strictly follow the Ministry of Health’s 5K message - khau trang (facemask), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distance), khong tu tap (no gathering), and khai bao y te (health declaration). Social distancing protocols were set up and drills conducted to ensure students are properly distanced during the exams.

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Hanoi prepares for high school entrance exams amid pandemic
Hanoi prepares for high school entrance exams amid pandemic

More than 93,000 students in Hanoi are set to take the high school entrance exams this weekend and measures are in place to ensure COVID-19 safety.

Hanoi prepares for high school entrance exams amid pandemic

Hanoi prepares for high school entrance exams amid pandemic

More than 93,000 students in Hanoi are set to take the high school entrance exams this weekend and measures are in place to ensure COVID-19 safety.