Vietnam seeks to build stronger economic, trade, and investment ties with US

VOV.VN - Co-operation in economics, trade, and investment between Vietnam and the United States continues to be a bright spot in the national pillar, representing an important pillar and being a major driving force in propelling bilateral ties forward.

Lieutenant General and Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang held a meeting with a delegation from the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) led by President and CEO Jason Oxman in Hanoi on June 17.

At the meeting, Minister Quang welcomed the US delegation's visit and its proposal to work with Ministry of Public Security leaders.

Bilateral ties have seen positive developments in recent times, demonstrated by President Joe Biden's visit to Vietnam and the two countries moving to upgrade their relationship to that of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

The ITI is a prestigious and influential organisation based in the US which brings together the world's leading companies in information and communications technology, while continuing to further enhance its role as a bridge between the Governments and businesses of the two countries. It therefore seeks to boost economic, trade, and investment co-operation between the two sides, especially investment by the US’s leading information technology enterprises in Vietnam.

The council currently has more than 80 member businesses, all of which are leading US enterprises in industry and high technology.

Through this visit, the council is keen to gain deeper insights into the Vietnamese investment environment and policies which will serve as a bridge furthering economic, trade, and investment linkages between the two nations.

To promote economic, trade, and investment relations commensurate with the development momentum of relations between the two countries, the council hopes that the Vietnamese Government, as well as the Ministry of Public Security, will continue to pay attention to and offer favourable conditions for US businesses to run stable, long-term investments in the Vietnamese market.

It also expressed a desire to continue working closely with relevant units in the Ministry of Public Security in terms of policy consultation, collaboration efforts to improve capacity, exchanges of information, experience, and other areas of mutual interest.

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