Vietnam attends ASEAN meetings within AMM-57 framework in Laos

A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet, who is also head of the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) delegation of Vietnam, attended the Meeting of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Commission and the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Interface with the Representatives of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR).

These were the first activities within the framework of the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM-57) and related meetings in Vientiane on July 24.

At the beginning of the meeting, delegates observed a minute of silence to commemorate General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong. The Foreign Ministers of ASEAN countries and the ASEAN Secretary General sent their deep condolences to the government, people of Vietnam and the General Secretary's family over this great loss, expressing their admiration and respect for his life and career, as well as his great contributions to the process of national construction and development and to promoting friendship and cooperation in the region and the world.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Laos Saleumxay Kommasith announced that Laos will hold a national mourning on July 25 and 26 to express the boundless sadness at the passing of General Secretary Trong.

On behalf of the Vietnamese delegation, Viet thanked the countries for their sharing and sympathies with Vietnam in this moment of grief.

At the SEANWFZ Commission's Meeting, Viet highlighted the significance of the SEANWFZ Treaty, suggesting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) soon prepare and submit a resolution on the SEANWFZ Treaty to the United Nations General Assembly and continue to call on nuclear-armed countries to join the SEANWFZ Protocol.

At the interface with the representatives of the AICHR, Viet welcomed the results that AICHR has achieved recently. He proposed the AICHR continue a balanced approach that is suitable for all member countries, and increase exchanges and cooperation with partners to share experience, enhance capacity, while promoting and ensuring the leading role of ASEAN.

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ASEAN Foreign Ministers commemorate Vietnamese Party leader

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ASEAN Foreign Ministers commemorate Vietnamese Party leader

ASEAN Foreign Ministers commemorate Vietnamese Party leader

VOV.VN - ASEAN Foreign Ministers and ASEAN Secretary General Kao Kim-hourn, while attending a meeting in Vientiane, Laos, on July 24 observed a minute of silence in commemoration of Vietnamese Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong who passed away on July 19.

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