NA Chairman, top Lao leader hold meeting

VOV.VN - National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man held a meeting with Lao Party General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith on September 11 in Hanoi within the framework of the latter's state visit to Vietnam.

During the meeting, the Vietnamese NA leader expressed his confidence that the important visit by the Lao leader will contribute to further consolidating and developing the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations.

The NA Chairman congratulated the Lao Party, State, and people on tremendous and comprehensive achievements in carrying out the 11th Party Congress's Resolution and the Five-year Economic and Social Development Plan in 2021-2025, saying that he believes under the leadership of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and Thongloun Sisoulith, Laos will successfully organize the 12th National Congress in early 2026 and implement successfully its national development strategies.

In response, the Lao guest extended his heartfelt regards to the Vietnamese people, especially to those affected by Typhoon Yagi in recent days, showing his belief that under the leadership and close attention of the Vietnamese Party, NA, and Government, the Vietnamese people will overcome all difficulties, and life in the affected areas will soon stabilize and return to normal.

He rejoiced over Vietnam's strong development and comprehensive achievements, especially political and social stability, strong economic growth, improving living standards, and increasing international position.

He affirmed that his nation always regards Vietnam's success as a source of encouragement and inspiration, and a valuable lesson for Laos in its national construction and development efforts.

He thanked the Vietnamese NA for its cooperation and effective support to its Lao counterpart, including the Lao NA's role as Chair of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in 2024.

Laos looks forward to welcoming the Vietnamese top legislator's official visit to Laos, and for participating in the AIPA-45 General Assembly in the coming time, he added.

He said he hopes both nations' legislative bodies will continue exchanging and sharing experience in performing their functions, duties, and jurisdiction, towards further stepping up their cooperation.

The host leader greatly valued the special relationship between the two countries, which is making significant progress in a multitude of fields. He affirmed that Vietnam remains determined to strongly and comprehensively support Laos in its national construction and protection efforts.

According to Man, along with the fruitful development of bilateral ties, cooperation between the two countries' legislatures has been enhanced closely and effectively. The two sides have been well performing the cooperation agreement between the two NAs, and the outcomes of the first Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Parliamentary Summit held in Laos in December 2023.

He pledged his best efforts to cultivate and boost the traditional friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations in general, and the ties between their legislative bodies in particular, for the sake of the people of both countries.

The Vietnamese NA will continue to enhance information sharing, coordination, and support for Laos in international, regional, and sub-regional forums, and support Laos in successfully undertaking its roles as 2024 Chair of ASEAN and AIPA-45, he told his guest.

The Vietnamese NA is ready to share experience and provide expertise in fields that Laos pays attention to and Vietnam has strengths, such as monitoring budget estimates implementation, establishing legal frameworks, and overseeing key cooperative projects between the two nations, Man said.


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