Bird display enlivens Yala weekend

Bird lovers in the southernmost province of Yala have put together an outdoor bird display to enliven weekend activities for children. 

More than 10 colorful friendly birds were brought to White Elephant Park in Yala Municipality where they flew around, showing off their intelligence. Though it was their first experience being so close to birds, some children could not resist the urge to play with their feathered friends. 

The activity was held by Yala Free Flying. The group was set up three years ago and has more than 60 members now. Yala Free Flying’s deputy chairman, Worapat Janchum said he and his friends had a passion for birds because they were long-lived, easy to look after and attached to their owners. 

Yala Free Flying expects the activity to be one of the highlights of life in Yala and to instill a love for animals in both adults and children.
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