VietShip 2025 attracts more than 100 local and foreign exhibitors

VOV.VN - More than 200 booths from 103 domestic and foreign enterprises are showcasing high-quality marine products and services at the 10th International Exhibition of Shipbuilding, Shipping and Offshore Technology (Vietship 2025), which kicked off in Hanoi on March 5.

Among the foreign exhibitors are those from Norway, the Netherlands, China, Finland, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore.

Jointly organised by Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (SBIC), the leading shipbuilding and repair company in Vietnam, and Vietnam Shipbuilding Engineering Joint Stock Company (VISEC), a premier ship design firm, Vietship, the country’s largest maritime exhibition, aims to introduce maritime transport and logistics, advanced shipbuilding and repair equipment, offshore oil and gas extraction technologies, and offshore wind power systems.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Pham Hoai Chung, chairman of the SBIC Board of Members, shared that the SBIC and its joint ventures are operating in the field of large-scale shipbuilding and ship repair, dulyaccounting for more than 60% of Vietnam's shipbuilding capacity.

Moreover, he added, the Vietnamese Government hasalso directed more research to be made into new policies in a bid to support the development of the shipbuilding industry, promote connections with international partners, encourage infrastructure investment and support technological modernisation.

First held in 2002, the exhibition, which has been held nine times, returned this year after a six-year hiatus due to COVID-19, with a refreshed focus on shipbuilding technology and offshore structures.

This year’s event seeks to strengthen the country’sposition in the global maritime and offshore energy sectors, acting as a vital bridge for international collaboration and sustainable development.

Vietship 2025 is scheduled to last until March 7.

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Dozen agreements signed at Vietship 2018
Dozen agreements signed at Vietship 2018

Vietship 2018 saw 12 contracts and memoranda of understanding worth millions of dollars, marked increased co-operation between domestic and foreign partners.

Dozen agreements signed at Vietship 2018

Dozen agreements signed at Vietship 2018

Vietship 2018 saw 12 contracts and memoranda of understanding worth millions of dollars, marked increased co-operation between domestic and foreign partners.