Reference exchange rate down by VND15

The State Bank of Vietnam offered its reference VND/USD exchange rate at VND22,434/USD on September 6, down by VND15 from the day ago.

With the current  +/- 3% VND/USD trading band, the ceiling exchange rate is VND23,107 per USD and the floor rate is VND21,761 per USD. 

Major commercial banks also kept their rates quite stable.

Vietcombank offered VND22,690 (buying) and VND22,760 (selling), per USD, unchanged from September 5.

BIDV listed its rates at VND22,695 (buying) and VND22,765 (selling), per USD, unchanged from the day ago.

Vietinbank set its buying rate at VND22,690 and its selling rate at VND22,760, per USD, down by VND5.

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Reference exchange rate goes up VND5
Reference exchange rate goes up VND5

The daily reference exchange rate for VND/USD was set at VND22,443 on August 31, up VND5 from the day before. 

Reference exchange rate goes up VND5

Reference exchange rate goes up VND5

The daily reference exchange rate for VND/USD was set at VND22,443 on August 31, up VND5 from the day before. 

Reference exchange rate drops on August 29
Reference exchange rate drops on August 29

The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference VND/USD exchange rate on August 29 at VND22,438 per USD, down VND5 from the previous day. 

Reference exchange rate drops on August 29

Reference exchange rate drops on August 29

The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference VND/USD exchange rate on August 29 at VND22,438 per USD, down VND5 from the previous day.