Scots against second independence referendum despite Brexit vote

The Scots do not think there should be a second independence referendum, a poll showed on June 26, days after Britain voted to leave the European Union despite strong Scottish support for remaining a member of the bloc.

The Survation poll showed 44.7% of people think Scotland should not conduct a second independence referendum, compared to 41.9% in favor of a fresh vote. In September 2014 Scotland rejected independence by 55% to 45%.

The prospect of a second referendum has been raised after Britain as a whole voted to leave the EU last week, despite results showing a large majority of Scots supported remaining within the bloc in every region of Scotland.

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said another referendum is "highly likely" and that Scotland would do whatever it takes to remain in the EU, including potentially blocking the legal process behind Britain's exit.

The poll of 1,002 people, conducted for the Daily Record and Daily Mirror on June 25, also showed that despite not favoring holding another referendum, if one were to be held immediately Scots would back a breakaway from the rest of Britain. Survation said 47% were in favor and 41.2% against.

Boris Johnson, the favorite to become Britain's next prime minister, said on Sunday that he did not detect "any real appetite" for another Scottish independence referendum.

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