Cuba's revolutionary legend Fidel Castro in Vietnam during American war

VOV.VN - With the famous statement: "For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to devote all our blood", Cuba's revolutionary legend Fidel Castro has become a symbol of the comradeship and brotherhood between Vietnam and Cuba.

Fidel Castro waved the victory flag of the Khe Sanh Brigade (Photo: VNA)
Prime Minister Fidel Castro and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong addressed a meeting in Quang Tri province to welcome the Cuban delegation (Photo: VNA)
Prime Minister Fidel Castro and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong in Quang Tri province in September, 1973. (Photo: VNA)
Fidel Castro visited the Khe Sanh Brigade (Photo: VNA)
Fidel Castro and heroine Ta Thi Kieu of the Vietnam liberation army (Photo: VNA)
Prime Minister Fidel Castro and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong  with liberation forces in Quang Tri province (Photo: VNA)
Fidel Castro visited Dong Ha town in Quang Tri province, which was in post-war recovery 
(Photo: VNA)
Fidel Castro visited the Tan Lam and Doc Mieu bases along the McNamara line (Photo: VNA)
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Cuba's Fidel Castro made revolutionary mark on history
Cuba's Fidel Castro made revolutionary mark on history

The son of a wealthy landowner, Fidel Castro turned his back on a life of privilege to lead a left-wing revolution in Cuba that endured for decades and was shaped by his political cunning, keen sense of destiny and boundless ego.

Cuba's Fidel Castro made revolutionary mark on history

Cuba's Fidel Castro made revolutionary mark on history

The son of a wealthy landowner, Fidel Castro turned his back on a life of privilege to lead a left-wing revolution in Cuba that endured for decades and was shaped by his political cunning, keen sense of destiny and boundless ego.