Zing.vn: Top 4 unique coffee shops in Hanoi

VOV.VN - The Coffee Kat, Maison Marou, Koi Cafe Spa and Ohi Tree Coffee shops are the four top favourite destinations of young people for a cup of joe in Hanoi, says Zing.vn in a recent post.

The Coffee Kat in the district of Thanh Xuan, Hanoi has five storeys. 

The walls and ground are painted white. Some tents are set up for young people to chat in groups.

The Maison Marou on Tho Nhuom Street is a favourite of chocolate lovers.

Visitors can watch staff make the cakes at the store.

The Koi Cafe Spa on Nguyen Chi Thanh Street is a good suggestion for those who like to read, drink coffee and play with cats.

The Ohi Tree Coffee shop on Phan Chu Trinh Street is filled with green trees.

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Coffee shop helps Hanoi residents escape summer heat
Coffee shop helps Hanoi residents escape summer heat

VOV.VN - Customers to Kat Café in Hanoi will have the feeling of being on a beach. After removing their shoes, they can step inside and sink their feet into a thick layer of sand. The Café has become a new destination for local people to escape the summer heat.  

Coffee shop helps Hanoi residents escape summer heat

Coffee shop helps Hanoi residents escape summer heat

VOV.VN - Customers to Kat Café in Hanoi will have the feeling of being on a beach. After removing their shoes, they can step inside and sink their feet into a thick layer of sand. The Café has become a new destination for local people to escape the summer heat.  

Romantic coffee shop in HCM City
Romantic coffee shop in HCM City

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Romantic coffee shop in HCM City

Romantic coffee shop in HCM City

VOV.VN - MILA Coffee with a romantic space at intersection Le Lai-Ton That Tung in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City is a good choice for young people who desire to seek privacy for themselves.