VNAT issues safe tourism instructions amid COVID-19 fears

VOV.VN - The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) has issued novel coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention and control instructions in a bid to promote a safe industry, with local tourism departments set to follow relevant advice.


Da Nang International Airport has been deserted in recent days.

The instructions will apply to all tour operators, tourist accommodations, travel transportation services, tour guides, staff, in addition to travelers. 

It is the duty of local tourism departments to inform all relevant groups and individuals about recommendations on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control by the Government and the Ministry of Health, in order to prevent the virus from further spreading in the community.

In addition, tourist service providers such as hotels and restaurants have been asked to keep the medical and travel records of their clients.

Local tourism departments have also been told to maintain hotlines with businesses and tourists to assist them in emergency cases.

It can be considered extremely useful for tourist service providers to be connected to boost cooperation and share problems relating to postponements, cancellations, and changes to tours which are caused due to the complicated development of the global pandemic.

As of 6am on July 30, Vietnam had recorded 459 COVID-19 cases, including 43 locally transmitted cases that had been confirmed since July 25.

Following news of the initial outbreak in Da Nang, a total of 80,000 tourists have left the central city, while numerous tourism programmes have been cancelled, resulting in a huge loss of revenue for local travel agencies.

At present, many cities and provinces including Hoi An, Phu Yen, and Quang Nam provinces have issued safe tourism instructions while moving to close local tourist sites.

Health will remain the top priority in terms of the development of the tourism industry, said a VNAT representative.

Last May the VNAT initially kick-started the safe tourism campaign after inbound tours resumed.

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