Traditional Lanna barn donated to museum in Chiang Mai

Lanna barn conservationists have donated a piece from their collection to the Lanna Traditional House Museum as a tourist attraction, as well as to encourage continued preservation. 

Thailand's Minister of Tourism and Sports, Kobkarn Wattanvrangkul, chaired the handover of the barn by the conservationists’ society to the museum, which operates under the Center for the Promotion of Arts and Culture at Chiang Mai University. Sopha Muangkrajang, a descendant of the Nantakwang family which originally owned the barn, handed over the structure and 100,000 baht in funding to the museum in Chiang Mai. 

The barn is approximately 150-170 years old and has retained all of its original architecture and decorations, which include depictions of peacocks and traditional designs. Sopha said the donation was to allow the building to be preserved as it was relocated from Pa Sang Forest. 

Chiang Mai Governor Pawin Chamniprasas remarked that the donation would help enhance the study of history and preserve the north’s culture and traditions, which are from multiple cultures. 

The Lanna Traditional House Museum comprises 8 historical buildings and 4 ancient barns, each over a century old and display traditional Lanna art and architecture. 

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