Thailand at third place on world tourism revenue list

Thailand has attained third place in terms of tourism revenue according to 2016-2017 statistics released by the United Nations’ World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Since 2016, Thailand has earned 1.65 trillion baht or 49.9 billion dollars from tourism, representing a 16.9% jump. 

The country is also ranked ninth in terms of tourist arrivals, with 32.6 million visitors or an 8.9% surge. 

First and second best performers are USA and Spain which gained 205.9 billion dollars and 60.3 billion dollars from tourism respectively. 

The other top 10 earners are China, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong and Australia.

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Thailand hosts 15th ACWC and 16th ACW Conferences
Thailand hosts 15th ACWC and 16th ACW Conferences

Thailand hosted the 15th ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) Conference in Phuket this week. 

Thailand hosts 15th ACWC and 16th ACW Conferences

Thailand hosts 15th ACWC and 16th ACW Conferences

Thailand hosted the 15th ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) Conference in Phuket this week.