More Chinese tourists flock to Nha Trang

(VOV) - The number of Chinese tourists to Nha Trang City in central Khanh Hoa province is increasing sharply and accounts for the largest among Asian visitors.

According to Khanh Hoa province’s Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, nearly 22,000 Chinese tourists arrived in the province in the first three months, up 173% against the same period last year.

Statistics show that each month in the said period, Vietnam Airlines operated 8 flights, Jetstar Pacific, 5 flights and Vietjet Air, 26 flights on 6 direct routes from China to Cam Ranh international airport. Besides, Sichuan Airlines (China) also conducted two charter flights per week on the same route. 

While fewer Russian tourists are visiting Khanh Hoa, a growing number of Chinese holidaymakers are travelling to the province, which is expected to help raise revenue of the province’s tourism industry.

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