Luxury cruiser arrives at Chan May port

The luxury cruise liner Celebrity Millennium of Malta with over 1,600 tourists and crew members docked at the Chan May port in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue on April 7. 

After disembarking, tourists went sightseeing and enjoyed special cuisine in the ancient imperial city of Hue, Hoi An ancient town and My Son Sanctuary in Quang Nam province, and Danang city. 

Chan May port is expected to welcome 40 international cruisers and approximately 67,000 tourists and 29,000 crew members this year. 

In addition, the Golden Week of Tourism in the city of Hue will take place on April 22-28 with a series of promotions at heritage sites, offering visitors an eclectic choice of discounted tours and bonus services. 

Accordingly, visitors touring the Imperial Palace and Minh Mang and Khai Dinh tombs will receive free entrance to the Thieu Tri tomb and An Dinh palace. 

Along with the above sites, visitors buying the package tour of four sites – the Imperial Palace and the tombs of Minh Mang, Tu Duc and Khai Dinh- can visit for free Gia Long and Thieu Tri tombs, Hon Chen temple and An Dinh palace. 

In the line-up are a showcase of royal costumes and cuisine in Truong Sanh palace on April 22, a night music performance in Co Ha garden on April 25, and a display of antique jewelleries at the Hue Museum of Royal Antiquities.
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