100 seconds to introduce Vietnam’s landscape, people

(VOV) - The Embassy of the United States in Vietnam has launched the “Vietnam: My Voice, My Video” contest, asking for short filmed introductions to Vietnam, its land and people. 

The contest poses entrants the question: “If you had 100 seconds to tell the world one—and only one—thing about Vietnam, what would it be?”

Contestants can submit a short video (100 seconds or less) for the chance to win an iPad mini.

According to the organising board, the winning video will be featured on the YouTube channels of the US Embassy in Hanoi and US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City.

The event is open to people aged between 15 and 30 who are current Vietnamese residents and possess a Vietnamese ID.  

Anyone interested can find more information at the following link, including instructions for submitting entries: http://photos.state.gov/libraries/vietnam/8621/pdf-forms/videocontest-jan2013.pdf

The contest will close on January 23.

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