Top 7 Vietnam imports from Thailand

VOV.VN - The following product groups represent the highest dollar value of Vietnam’s purchases from Thailand last year, according to General Department of Vietnam Customs statistics.

1. Petroleum: Leading the pack by far was petroleum at 2.03 million tons, up 186% in value. 

2. Machinery, equipment and tools: Tallied in at US$796.1 million, up 25.5%.

3. Household appliances: Hit US$695.6 million, up 30.7%.

4. Vehicle spare parts: Ranked fourth at US$602.8 million.

5. Plastics: US$515 million for purchases of nearly 367,000 tons of plastic.

6. Vehicles: US$406.1 million for 23,516 vehicles. 

7. Computers, electronics and components:  US$21.37 billion, up 26.3%.

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Thailand concerns about Vietnam attracting more FDI
Thailand concerns about Vietnam attracting more FDI

(VOV) - Thai businesses have expressed concern that foreign investors will shift their investment from Thailand to Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia to take full advantages of Trans-Pacific Partership (TPP) to approach the US, said Vallop Vitanakorn, vice chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI). 

Thailand concerns about Vietnam attracting more FDI

Thailand concerns about Vietnam attracting more FDI

(VOV) - Thai businesses have expressed concern that foreign investors will shift their investment from Thailand to Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia to take full advantages of Trans-Pacific Partership (TPP) to approach the US, said Vallop Vitanakorn, vice chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI). 

Auto market flooded with imports from Thailand, Indonesia
Auto market flooded with imports from Thailand, Indonesia

VOV.VN - Cars from Thailand and Indonesia have been flowing to Vietnam in a wave of imports from ASEAN.

Auto market flooded with imports from Thailand, Indonesia

Auto market flooded with imports from Thailand, Indonesia

VOV.VN - Cars from Thailand and Indonesia have been flowing to Vietnam in a wave of imports from ASEAN.

Thailand among top ten foreign investors in Vietnam
Thailand among top ten foreign investors in Vietnam

(VOV) - Thailand is one of top ten foreign investors in Vietnam with 300 valid projects, reported a recent Vietnam-Thailand trade and investment promotion workshop in HCM City.

Thailand among top ten foreign investors in Vietnam

Thailand among top ten foreign investors in Vietnam

(VOV) - Thailand is one of top ten foreign investors in Vietnam with 300 valid projects, reported a recent Vietnam-Thailand trade and investment promotion workshop in HCM City.