Agri-forestry and seafood exports decline

(VOV) - Agri-forestry and seafood exports in July are estimated at US$2.47 billion, bringing the total export revenue in 7 months to US$16.93 billion, down 3.6% against the corresponding period last year.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reported that exports of key agricultural products are around US$8.2 billion, down 5.7%, especially coffee (down 33.7%), rubber (down 9.2%) and rice (down 8.3%).

For instance, the average export price of rice for the first half of this year was US$431.16 per tonne, down 4.64% over the same period last year. China remained the biggest importer of Vietnamese rice.

However, the average export price of coffee rose 0.97% despite a strong decrease in export value and volume.

Germany and the US remain biggest consumers of Vietnamese coffee.

Meanwhile China, Malaysia and India were the three largest importers of Vietnamese rubber in the first half of this year and accounted for 72.4% of market shares. Rubber exports enjoyed growth in two major export markets – China (up 21.9%) and India (23.1%) while eight other key markets witnessed decline.

Seafood exports dipped 17% to US$3.53 billion in the period, especially the US (down 27.71%).

However, exports of major forestry products jumped 8.1% to US$3.88 billion.

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