Marathoners to race in Lang Co

Over 500 Vietnamese and international runners are expected to take part in the first Laguna Lang Co Marathon races on October 24-25.

Race organisers announced yesterday that athletes will compete in five categories, including a full marathon (42km), half-marathon (21km), 10km, 5km and 2km for children.

As scheduled, the race will go through the idyllic Hue countryside around the resort, hotels and world-class golf course designed by Sir Nick Faldo.

On October 24, participants can race in the 10km and 5km fun-run, while children can participate in the 2km kid's run.

Marathoners and half-marathoners will start their races on October 25.

The race, which builds on the success of its renowned sister event, the Laguna Phuket Marathon, will include a 5km fun-run to support its School Water Project for schools in Phu Loc District.

The inaugural marathon is being marketed as a memorable experience for participants of all ages and an opportunity to see stunning views of central Vietnam's lush countryside.

More information on the marathon is available at

In 2013-14, the Laguna Lang Co Triathlon was also organised at the location. 

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