Workshop improves VOV ethnic minority broadcasts

VOV.VN - Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV), and a number of National Assembly and government agencies have jointly organized a workshop entitled “Direction for the development of ethnic languages on VOV”.

VOV President Nguyen The Ky
Participants examined ways to improve broadcasts in ethnic minority languages.

VOV broadcasts programs in 12 ethnic minority languages including Mong, Thai, Dao, E De, Ba Na, Gia Rai, K’Ho, M’nong, Xo Dang, Cham, Khmer, and Co Tu. 

The programs disseminate Party guidelines and State policies on ethnic minority affairs and introduce landscape, people, and culture of Vietnam, especially the diversity and richness of Vietnam’s ethnic culture.

The national radio is currently the only multi-media agency that covers radio, TV, print, and online platforms. The channel of ethnic minority languages is one of its main channels.

VOV President Nguyen The Ky said, “It’s necessary to reform the programs of 12 ethnic minority languages in terms of content, format, duration, running order, and production and transmission locations.”

VOV intends to develop ethnic language teaching programs. Mr. Ha Ngoc Chien, Chairman of the NA’s Council for Ethnic Minority Affairs said, “Now we only have broadcasts in 12 ethnic languages. We need to take into consideration of the size of the population to decide the number of programs on ethnic languages. 

There are 5 ethnic groups with a population of more or less than 1 million people like Tay, Nung, and Muong, but there have not been any programs in these languages.”

VOV is preparing necessary conditions to operate the national radio channel of ethnic languages. 

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