WB Group President: Vietnam - one of the great development success stories

VOV.VN - Vietnam has become one of the world’s great development success stories, rising from the ranks of the poorest countries.

Work Bank (WB) Group President Jim Yong Kim was speaking at a recent press conference in Hanoi as part of his visit to Vietnam to attend a ceremony announcing Vietnam’s 2035 report titled: “Toward prosperity, creativity, equity and democracy.”

Jim asserted the WB’s commitment to supporting Vietnam in hunting for preferential capital sources, towards realizing social and economic development objectives. 

He also praised Vietnam as one of the world’s leading countries in poverty reduction and pledged that the WB will continue to support Vietnam in its efforts.

Over the past 30 years, on the strength of a nearly 7 percent average growth rate and targeted government policies, tens of millions of people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty, Kim said, noting that the Vietnam 2035 Report reflects the country's aspirations towards becoming a modern, industrialized nation within a generation. 

He stressed that improvements in productivity, environmental protection and economic innovation can help Vietnam maintain high levels of growth. 

It will be critically important to remove barriers that exclude marginalized groups and deliver quality public services to an aging and urbanized middle-class.

Kim said the WB will continue to help Vietnam with loans, especially in the areas of climate change response and renewable energy development, adding that the WB pinned its hopes on Vietnam’s capacity to escape from the middle-income trap as the country had made big strides in health care and education, which help decide the quality of human resources as well as productivity.

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