VietnamWork reveals most interesting tech trends

Trends in interest within Vietnam’s tech community are following those around the world, according to a recent survey conducted by

Besides the skills necessary to meet today’s job requirements, IT job seekers need to be actively involved in the professional community, particularly in industries such as information technology, where recruitment demand is growing by more than 39% in 2015 compared to 2014, said Mr. Gaku Echizenya, CEO of VietnamWorks.

Keeping themselves up-to-date on the latest in technology trends allows IT professionals to constantly enhance their knowledge as well as equip themselves with the necessary skills to meet recruitment demands,” he said.

When it comes to which technology trends they most care about, 64% of the 468 respondents who are employees in information technology and high technology companies in Vietnam chose mobile applications.

At the same time, career analytic website by VietnamWorks also shows that the programmed mobile industry is one of four industries that have the highest recruitment demand in the information technology sector.

According to the survey, the other most interesting technology trends in Vietnam include Big Data (with 55% expressing interest) which has become increasingly “hot” over recent years among large enterprises. Start-up companies in the technology sector (46%) also received a lot of attention from IT professionals.

In terms of high technology trends, more than 61% were interested in SmartHome technology. Other attractive high-tech trends in Vietnam include robot technology applications in life, new security technologies, and virtual reality technology.

Understanding the rising needs of most IT professionals in Vietnam, VietnamWorks will organize a large-scale technology event called Tech Insider Expo.

Expected to take place on September 5 in Hanoi and September 12 in Ho Chi Minh City, the Expos will gather together more than 3,000 professionals in information technology sector, 40 technology companies, and key speakers in the industry.

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