Vietnamese war veterans association formed in Ukraine

The first congress of the Association of Vietnamese War Veterans in Ukraine was held in Kiev on May 7, marking its official debut in the country.

The congress agreed to adopt its charter and action plans. It also elected an 11 member executive board for the 2016-2019 tenure. 

Speaking at the ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador to Ukraine Nguyen Minh Tri spoke highly of the establishment of the 200 member association, affirming that Vietnamese war veterans are a core force of the Vietnamese Community in the country. 

The association will help enhance links and mutual support among expat veterans living and working in Ukraine, contributing to promoting the traditional relations and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries, he added. 

Vice President of the Ukrainian War Veterans Association Colonel Kislitsin Luri Vichtorovich said Ukrainian veterans hope their Vietnamese counterparts in Ukraine will make more contributions to strengthening the bilateral friendship.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy in Ukraine presented certificates of merit to three organisations and 9 individuals for their active contributions to veteran work and people-to-people exchanges in the country.

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