Vietnamese in RoK expect Congress to mark new milestone

The Vietnamese people at home and abroad believe that the upcoming 13th National Party Congress will mark a new milestone in the national development, said Chairman of the Vietnam – Korea Businessmen and Investment Association Dr. Tran Hai Linh.

In an interview recently granted to Vietnam News Agency correspondents in Seoul, the Republic of Korea (RoK) Linh, who is also a member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, said the Congress is a significant political event that will encourage the entire Party, people and armed forces to continue speeding up comprehensive and synchronous reform, carrying the country towards rapid and sustainable development.

Documents of the event will not only review the implementation of the Resolution adopted by the 12th National Party Congress but also 35 years of renewal, 30 years of the implementation of the 1991 Political Platform, the 2011-2020 socio-economic development strategy, and outline socio-economic development for 2021-2025.

The outlining of targets and orientations to 2030 and vision to 2045 also hold significance, contributing to global integration and national development, he said.

He expressed his wish that the Congress will choose and elect talented personnel with moral virtue to the Party Central Committee, and especially top leaders of the Party and State, to help the country overcome challenges in the coming years.

He suggested that the country should seek true strengths and spearhead sectors for development for the coming time, with a focus on those bringing surplus value and developing human resources in the shortest time.

Linh also hoped that the Vietnamese Party will continue cracking down on corruption, set key economic targets following the COVID-19 pandemic, firmly safeguard territorial sovereignty, improve Vietnam’s position on international arena and global integration.

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