Vietnamese Embassy and community in Germany aid evacuees from Ukraine

VOV.VN - Representatives from the Vietnamese Embassy and several associations of Overseas Vietnamese (OVs) in Germany visited OVs evacuated from Ukraine and currently staying at a reception centre in Eisenhüttenstadt in the German state of Brandenburg.

Meeting with leaders of the reception centre, Ambassador Vu Quang Minh affirmed that the Embassy remains always ready to work closely alongside the centre on every issue related to Vietnamese evacuees.

He noted that under the unwavering policy of the Vietnamese Party, State, and Government, all of the country’s representative agencies in Europe have been striving and working alongside authorities and the Vietnamese communities in Europe to give the maximum support possible to evacuees.

Within their competence, representative agencies will continue to offer the best possible conditions for OVs to handle legal issues and procedures during the evacuation process, Ambassador Minh added.

Jens Dorschmann, deputy director of the centre, was appreciative of Ambassador Minh’s visit to the Vietnamese evacuees, adding that the Vietnamese Embassy is the first foreign representative agency to visit the centre to support people evacuating from Ukraine to Germany.

Talking with citizens, Ambassador Minh hailed the assistance provided by OV associations for those trying to leave Ukraine.

The Embassy presented EUR1,000, equivalent to US$1,100, to evacuees. It also distributed leaflets with information on German regulations on people leaving Ukraine, as well as contact information of various OV associations in Germany.

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