Vietnam seizes illegal ivory shipment

VOV.VN - Around 350kg of ivory hidden in a shipping container has been seized in Vietnam, an official said today (Feb. 21), the first major bust of the illegally-trafficked product this year.

Although the ivory trade has been banned in Vietnam since 1992, the country remains a top market for ivory products prized locally for its purported decorative and medicinal purposes.

The country is also a busy thoroughfare for tusks trafficked from Africa destined for other parts of Asia.

The latest ivory haul was discovered in the Soc Son District of Hanoi, according to customs officials. They said laboratories were testing the 350-kilogramme haul to definitely conclude if they are elephant tusks.

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Customs uncover 270kilos of ivory illegally transported to Cat Lai port
Customs uncover 270kilos of ivory illegally transported to Cat Lai port

VOV.VN - Ho Chi Minh City’s Customs Office announced that its officers and anti-trafficking police uncovered more than 270 kilos of African elephant tusks hidden in wood blocks transported via Cat Lai Port on November 29. 

Customs uncover 270kilos of ivory illegally transported to Cat Lai port

Customs uncover 270kilos of ivory illegally transported to Cat Lai port

VOV.VN - Ho Chi Minh City’s Customs Office announced that its officers and anti-trafficking police uncovered more than 270 kilos of African elephant tusks hidden in wood blocks transported via Cat Lai Port on November 29. 

Another 500 kilos of African ivory seized in Vietnam
Another 500 kilos of African ivory seized in Vietnam

This is the fifth shipment stopped by customs officials in Ho Chi Minh City since October 6.

Another 500 kilos of African ivory seized in Vietnam

Another 500 kilos of African ivory seized in Vietnam

This is the fifth shipment stopped by customs officials in Ho Chi Minh City since October 6.