Vietnam reports increase in hand, foot, and mouth cases

VOV.VN - Since the beginning of this year the country has recorded a total of 13,746 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD), an increase of 2.5 times compared to the same period from 2023, according to the latest statistics released by the Ministry of health.

In particular, Hanoi documented a total of 195 HFMD cases from April 12 to April 19, an increase of 34 cases against the previous week.

The capital also detected eight further HFMD outbreaks in the districts adjacent to the capital city.

Besides Hanoi, the northern and southern regions also witnessed a sharp increase in terms of the number of HDMD cases being recorded.

According to Hoang Minh Duc, director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, 90% of cases involve children under the age of five.

HFMD is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by Coxsackie virus (A16) and Enterovirus 71 (EV71). Locally, the number of infections tends to increase between April and June and from October to December.

The Ministry of Health pointed out that the majority of cases are mild, but some cases can be severe, causing dangerous complications such as encephalitis - meningoencephalitis, myocarditis, and acute pulmonary edema which could potentially lead to death.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent the disease. Therefore, proactive prevention is the best form of defence, with the Ministry of Health recommending that people follow several instructions, including washing hands regularly with soap, eating only cooked food, and regularly cleaning contact surfaces and tools.

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Cases of hand-foot-mouth disease rocketing nationwide
Cases of hand-foot-mouth disease rocketing nationwide

VOV.VN - The country is currently seeing a spike in the number of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) being detected among children, with 10,196 cases recorded since the beginning of the year, a figure 2.3 times higher than the same period from last year.

Cases of hand-foot-mouth disease rocketing nationwide

Cases of hand-foot-mouth disease rocketing nationwide

VOV.VN - The country is currently seeing a spike in the number of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) being detected among children, with 10,196 cases recorded since the beginning of the year, a figure 2.3 times higher than the same period from last year.

Fresh hand-foot-mouth disease infections rising in Hanoi
Fresh hand-foot-mouth disease infections rising in Hanoi

VOV.VN - The capital of Hanoi has scrambled to stamp out new outbreaks of the hand-foot-mouth disease, with the number of infections increasing considerably.

Fresh hand-foot-mouth disease infections rising in Hanoi

Fresh hand-foot-mouth disease infections rising in Hanoi

VOV.VN - The capital of Hanoi has scrambled to stamp out new outbreaks of the hand-foot-mouth disease, with the number of infections increasing considerably.

Hand-foot-mouth disease on the rise with 16 deaths so far
Hand-foot-mouth disease on the rise with 16 deaths so far

VOV.VN - Vietnam is currently seeing a spike in the number of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) among children, with more than 40,000 cases and 16 deaths recorded so far.

Hand-foot-mouth disease on the rise with 16 deaths so far

Hand-foot-mouth disease on the rise with 16 deaths so far

VOV.VN - Vietnam is currently seeing a spike in the number of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) among children, with more than 40,000 cases and 16 deaths recorded so far.