Vietnam reports additional 9,362 COVID-19 cases with more than 10,520 recoveries

VOV.VN - The nation recorded a total of 9,362 new COVID-19 cases over the past 24 hours across 36 provinces and cities, along with more than 10,520 discharges, the Health Ministry reported on September 27.

Among the new cases, there were a total of 20 imported cases and 9,342 local infections.

Ho Chi Minh City still tops the list with 4,134 new infections, trailed by neighbouring Binh Duong province with 3,793, Dong Nai with 616 cases.

The localities that saw the number of infections fall the most compared to the previous day were Ho Chi Minh City (-987), Dong Nai (-130) and Binh Phuoc (-26).

Binh Duong , An Giang  and Tay Ninh registered the highest number of infections compared to the previous day with 461, 50 and 43, respectively.

A total of 10,528 patients were announced to have recovered on the day, thereby raising the total number of recoveries since the start of the pandemic to 538,454.

The number of fatalities nationwide is now at 18,758, including 18,723 during the fourth wave which broke out in late April.

Over 30.2 million people have now received their first COVID-19 vaccination, with more than 8.2 million people now being fully vaccinated.

In recent times has seen the northern province of Ha Nam emerge as a new outbreak location due to a rising number of local cases being detected. Indeed, September 27 alone saw the province record 35 community cases.

In the epicentre of Ho Chi Minh City, where mass testing has been being conducted over recent days to prepare for reopening, the rate of people testing positive has dropped from 0.4% on September 22 to 0.2% on September 26, according to the Ho Chi Minh Cinh Center for Disease Control.

Due to good results in pandemic control, from September 28 Hanoi will allow outdoor physical training and sports activities, with the figure not exceeding more than 10 people. In addition, shopping centres will see food and beverage outlets allowed to open to sell takeaways, whilst clothing, fashion, and cosmetics stores are also allowed to resume operations.

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