Vietnam, Netherlands share experience in data connection

A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Duy Ngoc had a working session in the Netherlands on December 12 with representatives from the National Office for Identity Data, Logius - digital government service, and the Digital Society Department under the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK).

At the meeting, held within the framework of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit to the European country, created a chance for both sides to exchange and study the Netherlands' experience in the application of population data, and data connection and sharing with national databases.

Over the past years, the Vietnamese Government has drastically directed the concerted implementation of measures to build e-Government towards digital government, digital economy and digital society, which has achieved important results, he said.

Vietnamese officials paid their attention to security measures, the prevention of making fake ID cards, the system control and operation, and the management of foreigners living and working in the country, and the process of connecting and sharing data among ministries, sectors and fields.

Representatives of the Dutch ministry and Dutch experts in digital transformation introduced to the Vietnamese delegation the way to guide people in the process of data building, adding that this is the responsibility of all ministries, branches and fields, especially officials and employees of the Government's management agencies.

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