US Ambassador observes Vu Lan Festival

VOV.VN - US Ambassador Ted Osius on August 17 attended prayer ceremonies at the Kim Lien Pagoda in Hanoi’s Tay Ho District on the occasion of the Vu Lan Festival (All Souls Festival) on the 15th day of 7th lunar month.

The Ambassador and his family arrive at the Kim Lien Pagoda amidst incessant rain.

Ambassador Osius holding his young son walking through the gate at Kim Lien Pagoda, shortly after arriving.

Thich Duc Thien, secretary general of the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, welcomes the Ambassador, his partner and two children in the courtyard after the rain breaks.

Before the ceremony, the most Venerable Thich Duc Thien explains the meaning of the proceedings to the Ambassador and family.

The US Embassy offers flowers, fruit cake to Buddha at the ceremony.

At the start of the ceremony, worshippers pray for the US Ambassador and family, wishing peace for all Americans and the best for future Vietnam-US relations.

Ambassador Osius kneeling as the ceremony opens.

During the ceremony, Ambassador Osius holds his young son. The Ambassador says: "Helping children understand Vietnamese traditional culture is extremely important."

At the end of the ceremony following traditional practice, they attach red roses to their shirts if their mother is still living or white, if deceased.

The temple presents a souvenir to Ambassador Osius and family.

The Venerable Thich Dam Thanh gives Ambassador Osius and family a special gift of traditional moon cakes.

Ambassador Osius says the day is special and very similar to ‘Mother’s Day,’ which is observed in the US.

Ambassador Osius and family take a souvenir parting photograph at the Kim Lien Pagoda.

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Thousands crowd Phuc Khanh Pagoda in the rain on Vu Lan Festival
Thousands crowd Phuc Khanh Pagoda in the rain on Vu Lan Festival

VOV.VN - Thousands of Buddhist followers gathered on August 16 at and around Phuc Khanh Pagoda in the rain to celebrate Vu Lan (Ullambana) Festival. 

Thousands crowd Phuc Khanh Pagoda in the rain on Vu Lan Festival

Thousands crowd Phuc Khanh Pagoda in the rain on Vu Lan Festival

VOV.VN - Thousands of Buddhist followers gathered on August 16 at and around Phuc Khanh Pagoda in the rain to celebrate Vu Lan (Ullambana) Festival. 

Buddhist celebrate Vu Lan Festival
Buddhist celebrate Vu Lan Festival

VOV.VN - The Vu Lan Festival has opened on August 11 with thousands of Buddhist followers flocking to the Kim Son Pagoda Lac Hong to show their appreciation and gratitude for their parents and ancestors.

Buddhist celebrate Vu Lan Festival

Buddhist celebrate Vu Lan Festival

VOV.VN - The Vu Lan Festival has opened on August 11 with thousands of Buddhist followers flocking to the Kim Son Pagoda Lac Hong to show their appreciation and gratitude for their parents and ancestors.