Tropical storm Soulik leaves four dead in central Vietnam

VOV.VN - Tropical storm Soulik has brought heavy rain to central Vietnam for the past few days, claiming four lives, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Three local residents in Nghe An province alone were washed away by violent flood waters, said authorities.

Heavy rain and flooding also damaged 261 houses, and submerged large areas of rice and subsidiary crops as well as fish farms in provinces from Thanh Hoa to Quang Nam. Flood waters also swept away tens of thousands of chickens and ducks, causing huge losses to local residents.

Heavy rain also flooded some roads and low-lying areas, affecting transportation in Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, and Quang Binh provinces.

According to the National Center for Meteo-Hydrological Forecasting, northern and north-central localities have experienced heavy rain for the past few hours, with some areas receiving between 100 and 300mm of rain.

Rain is forecast to continue to fall in the coming hours, and meteorologists warned about the risk of flash floods and landslides in low-lying and mountainous localities.

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Flash floods and landslides warning for northern and northcentral Vietnam
Flash floods and landslides warning for northern and northcentral Vietnam

VOV.VN - Spells of torrential rain currently battering northern and northcentral Vietnamese provinces are forecast to continue to linger over the next few days, posing a high risk of flash floods and landslides in these localities, warned meteorologists.

Flash floods and landslides warning for northern and northcentral Vietnam

Flash floods and landslides warning for northern and northcentral Vietnam

VOV.VN - Spells of torrential rain currently battering northern and northcentral Vietnamese provinces are forecast to continue to linger over the next few days, posing a high risk of flash floods and landslides in these localities, warned meteorologists.

Local residents warned to stay indoors as Yagi makes landfall
Local residents warned to stay indoors as Yagi makes landfall

VOV.VN - Local residents of northern and north-central localities of Vietnam have been advised to stay home, starting September 7 morning, when super typhoon Yagi is expected to make landfall.

Local residents warned to stay indoors as Yagi makes landfall

Local residents warned to stay indoors as Yagi makes landfall

VOV.VN - Local residents of northern and north-central localities of Vietnam have been advised to stay home, starting September 7 morning, when super typhoon Yagi is expected to make landfall.