Three times more youths unemployed in Vietnam today

Even though Vietnam's unemployment rate remains at just over 2%, the youth unemployment rate is three times higher, affirmed a report on the socio-economic situation till September.

The General Statistic Office of Vietnam in its report said that while the overall unemployment rate is 2.36%, the unemployment rate among young labourers (aged from 15 to 24) is three times higher, and reached 6.74%. The unemployment rate of young labourers is different from urban areas (11.52%) to rural areas (4.1%). The unemployment rate of labourers aged more than 25 was only 1.25%.

The report stated that the number of labourers working in industrial enterprises (as of September 1) increased 7.1% in comparison to the same period last year. Labourers in State-owned enterprises increased 0.2%, private enterprises 4.9%, enterprises with foreign direct investment 10.6%.

The General Statistic Office of Vietnam said, as of October 2, that nationwide number of labourers reached 54.32 million, marking an increase of 11,700 people over the same period last year. Of which, male labourers occupy 51.77% and female labourers 48.23%.

Although there was an increase in the unemployment rate from 1.9% in 2013 to 2.36% in 2015, Vietnam is on the list of countries with the lowest unemployment rate globally.
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