Thai Red Cross holds blood drive on World Marrow Donor Day

The Thai Red Cross Society is appealing for blood donations in celebration of World Marrow Donor Day on September 15. 

Marking this year’s World Marrow Donor Day, the Thai Red Cross held a blood drive at its headquarters in Bangkok, to aid patients waiting to receive a stem cell transplant. 

Globally, more than 50,000 patients a year are in need of stem cell treatments and there are more than 32 million listed donors. 

Since the establishment of the National Stem Cell Bank 16 years ago in 2002, there have been no fewer than 228,000 listed donors, but only 292 people have actually made a contribution. 

In Thailand, 1,812 patients are registered for a stem cell transplant. They are suffering from blood diseases such as anemia, thalassemia, leukemia, bone marrow disorders, and lymphoma. 

Those who wish to make stem cell donations can contact the Thai Red Cross Society at 0 2256 4300 or 0 2263 9600-99. 

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