Series of events planned to celebrate Family Day

The E De ethnic group's traditional marriage proposal will be staged for the first time at the Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism on June 28.

The event is being organised in the village, located on the western outskirts of the capital, as part of a series of activities for celebrating Vietnam's Family Day on June 28.

Other cultural activities, entitled "Central Highlands Culture with Matriarchy Family Tradition", will be organised here between June 25 and 28.

The event will include also a water worship ceremony, a peace worship ceremony of the E De group and a photo exhibition on the matriarchy tradition.

The ethnic group's artisans will showcase their skills in traditional weaving and making musical instruments, as well as folk songs, dance and games.

The culture, sports and tourism ministry will host several activities at the Vietnam Centre for Exhibition, Culture and Arts, 2 Hoa Lu Street in downtown Hanoi to celebrate Family Day.

Entitled "Family Meal: Cosy and Love", just as the last year, the programme, which will be held from June 26 to 28, will include a photo exhibition, a workshop on the effect of social networks on young families today and a cookery contest.

On April 5, 2001, then Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem had said June 28 would be celebrated as national Family Day to enhance the responsibilities of leaders from all sectors, levels and organisations and individuals to build prosperous, advanced and happy families. Since then, the day has been celebrated nationwide every year.

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