Seminar discusses implementation of UN Agenda 2030

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MoPI) held a seminar in Hanoi on December 21 discussing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its implementation in Vietnam. 

The agenda, adopted at the UN Summit in New York on September 25-27, aims to maintain sustainable economic growth in tandem with social progress and justice and ecological environment protection, effectively manage and use natural resources and actively cope with climate change, towards building a peaceful, prosperous, inclusive, democratic, fair, civilised and sustainable society. 

Speaking at the event, deputy chief of the sustainable development office from the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources Planning and Education underscored the need to rally the involvement of ministries, centrally-run and local agencies, including the media, socio-political organisations, business community, development partners and the entire public for the effort. 

The Agenda 2030 puts forth vision for the next 15 years with 17 sustainable development goals and successive actions. It has been added into the National Assembly and government’s resolutions on socio-economic development scheme. 

The MoPI has worked closely with ministries, agencies, localities, domestic and foreign organisations to devise a national action plan for the implementation of the agenda which has been submitted to the Prime Minister last month. 

The action plan comprises 115 goals, including eliminating every form of poverty; ensuring food security and sustainable and comprehensive economic growth; improving nutrition; promoting sustainable agricultural development; ensuring access to sustainable, reliable and affordable energy sources; and promoting global partnership for sustainable development until 2030, among others.  

Between 2017 and 2020, the country will perfect sustainable development mechanisms, improve the efficiency of State management on national sustainable development, and ensure sufficient legal framework for the implementation of the action plan and sustainable development goals. 

The action plan is expected to help Vietnam make responsible contributions to common global efforts to boost sustainable development.
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Joint efforts needed for UN Agenda implementation
Joint efforts needed for UN Agenda implementation

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen The Phuong has called on related ministries and agencies to join hands in building a feasible national action plan for implementing the UN Agenda 2030.

Joint efforts needed for UN Agenda implementation

Joint efforts needed for UN Agenda implementation

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen The Phuong has called on related ministries and agencies to join hands in building a feasible national action plan for implementing the UN Agenda 2030.