RoK - Vietnam Women’s Forum held in Seoul

The 10th Republic of Korea (RoK) - Vietnam Women’s Forum, held by the Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI) and the Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU), took place in Seoul on September 12.

Opening the event, VWU Vice President Ton Ngoc Hanh said relations between Vietnam and the RoK have recorded impressive strides, and women of both countries have made substantial contributions to these special ties.

Cooperation between Vietnamese and Korean women has been growing fast in both quantity and quality, she noted, adding that the event, held at the initiative of KWDI and An Myong-ok – a former female parliamentarian of the RoK, has been organised for more than 10 years and become a successful bilateral forum for sharing experience in promoting gender equality in various fields and helping enhance mutual understanding and friendship.

The theme of this year’s forum, “Women, peace and security”, not only matched the international context and priorities in the agenda of the United Nations and governments, but was also meaningful to both Vietnam and the RoK when it comes to traditional and non-traditional issues, Hanh went on.

KWDI President Mun Yoo Kyoung said that with a focus on women’s role in peace and security, the 10th forum talked about future orientations for the peace and security agenda, the position of the VWU, and social affairs in the RoK.

After a three-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the forum, rotated between the two countries, was resumed in the in-person format. It is expected to be a good chance to open up a new period of more effective exchanges between Vietnamese and Korean women.

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Vice President attends Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Forum
Vice President attends Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Forum

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan gas attended the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Forum themed “Digital Transformation: From perception to actions” to mark Vietnam Entrepreneurs' Day (October 13), Vietnamese Women’s Day (October 20) and the 20th anniversary of the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Council.

Vice President attends Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Forum

Vice President attends Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Forum

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan gas attended the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Forum themed “Digital Transformation: From perception to actions” to mark Vietnam Entrepreneurs' Day (October 13), Vietnamese Women’s Day (October 20) and the 20th anniversary of the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Council.