Quang Ninh: land subsidence drills hole in residential area

A hole, as a result of land subsidence, suddenly formed in front of a house in the northern coastal province of Quang Ninh’s Cam Pha city in the evening of April 5.

Located in Cam Son ward, the hole is 3 – 4 metres deep and 200 square metres in diameter. Its sudden formation dragged down a man and two scooters from the surface. The victim was rescued with minor injuries.  

Local authorities have directed agencies to pour earth and cement into the hole to ensure safety for nearby traffic and residents.

 Chairman of the Cam Pha People’s Committee Nguyen Hong Duong said experts will be invited to examine the scene.

 Similar incidents took place in Cam Pha’s roads and residential areas in 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017. Local authorities invited experts from the Institute of Geology to examine the previous land sinking in Cam Son ward’s Nam Son 2 area. 

 In September 2016, experts reported the cause of the event was natural subsurface movement of earth materials. Cam Son was said to have enough geographic features to make it highly vulnerable to land subsidence.

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