President, PM extend condolences to Cua Dai Beach victims

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on February 26 sent his condolences to families of the victims who died in a boat accident on Cua Dai Beach, Quang Nam province, earlier the same day.

He asked the National Traffic Committee and the Quang Nam People’s Committee to put all focus on searching for those still missing and treating the injured, and the authorities to take care of the bereaved families of those who died and are missing. Efforts should be exerted to review water traffic safety measures so as to prevent similar accidents, especially during the season of festivities, he said.    

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has also expressed his condolences to the bereaved families and sent leaders of the National Traffic Committee to the site to direct relief efforts and provide support.

He also ordered authorities to promptly investigate the case and take actions against people responsible for the accident, while demanding the Ministries of Public Security and Transport, and People’s Committees nationwide to tighten control on waterway transport service providers.

The boat sank off Cua Dai Beach at about 2pm while returning to Cua Dai Ferry Station from the Cham Islands. There were 39 passengers on board, including two children.

As of February 27 morning, the death toll had risen to 15, with two others still missing. An overnight search was conducted.

The boat had been brought to the shore and is being examined.

The rescue process is continuing. The weather in the area has improved and there are no longer big waves hindering the search.

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At least 13 dead in boat accident in Quang Nam province
At least 13 dead in boat accident in Quang Nam province

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At least 13 dead in boat accident in Quang Nam province

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Vietnamese Embassy in France supports family of boat accident victim

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