President Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets with outstanding young people

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on March 26 met with outstanding young people in 2021 on the occasion of the 91st founding anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU).

He affirmed that the Party and the State always pay special attention to encouraging young talents, and have issued many policies and guidelines in this regard.

The leader lauded the HCYU’s performance in the communication work to promote good examples, saying many of its campaigns have been launched successfully.

Regarding the Vietnam Outstanding Young Faces Award, he said hundreds of young people have been honoured over the past 25 years.

President Phuc praised the youngsters for their contributions to building a strong and prosperous Vietnam, as well as the HCYU for its support to  young people, expressing his hope that the awardees will work harder to become role models of the Vietnamese youth.

The President also asked the HCYU Central Committee to further its coordination with relevant agencies to reform operations, thus promoting emulation movements.

Young people should be supported to bring into full play their innovations, improve their knowledge and step up the application of scientific-technological advances, meeting requirements in the new situation, President Phuc said.

He urged ministries, agencies, Party Committees and administrations at all levels to roll out mechanisms, policies and measures in order to encourage talents, and asked for coordination of organisations, individuals, businesses and educational institutions in these efforts.

The 2021 Vietnam Outstanding Young Face Award honoured 20 young people selected from 138 candidates, including self-nominated persons, who have excellent performance in various areas.

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