President meets with Truong Son war veterans

President Truong Tan Sang said he expects that war veterans and ex-voluntary youths will inspire young generations to dedicate their efforts to the nation on its path to growth.

He expressed his hope while welcoming the Truong Son – Ho Chi Minh Trail Tradition Association in Hanoi on April 22, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of Traditional Day of Truong Son Soldiers (May 19). 

President Sang said the Party and State are always grateful to war heroes for risking their lives for national independence and reunification. He assured them that policies benefiting them and their families will be improved in the coming time. 

Established in 2011, the association started out as Battalion 559 on May 19, 1959. They won a legendary victory along the Truong Son route, known as Ho Chi Minh trail during the anti-US war. 

The association has so far developed into a network of chapters across 47 cities and provinces nationwide with nearly 300,000 members. 

The recent charity event “Nghia tinh Truong Son” (Sentimental attachment to Truong Son) raised nearly VND50 billion (US$238,000), and saw 700 bank deposit books and thousands of gifts given to the families of war heroes, Agent Orange victims and poor households.

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